Taq-Taq Dam

Project Name:Taq-Taq Dam

Client:Ministry of Water Resources

Start Date:

End Date:2007

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Description of Project:

Taq-Taq is located below the Zab River about 5 km upstream from the town of Taq-Taq. The purpose of the Taq-Taq reservior is irrigation, flood control and hydroelectric generating. Furthermore, Taq-Taq dam will be regulating the waste releases from the power station to the Dokan Dam, which is the arch dam which is located upstream from the location of Taq-Taq dam. The environmental impact assessment study is part of  the planning study with elements of final design for Taq-Taq Dam, Iraq. The purpose of the environment impact assessment study analyzing and proposing of mitigation measures and monitoring plan.This project also includes GPC complete turn key work and a 80 km line length. The Taq-Taq dam is 90 m high and is designed as a fill dam with a central clay core. It will regulate the river average annual discharge providing the water for irrigation (Kirkuk irrigation system and other downstream consumers).It also consists of three gated spillway bays with chute and ski jump buckets that have sufficient capacity to convey the maximum designed flood with retention in the reservoir storage available. esigned power station has the installed capacity of 270 MW with discharge of 450 m3/sec. Other appurtenant structures include diversion tunnels, bottom outlet, power intake and fuse plugs.

Services provided: 
• Preparation of Investigation Works Program & Performance of Investigation Works
• Determination of General Layout, optimization and engineering design of the Dam, Appurtenant Structures & HPP
• Preparation of Hydro-logical, Topographical, Geological & Earthquake Hazard Study
• Implementation of Cost Estimate with Construction Time Schedule & Economic with Financial analysis
• Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Study


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