Our Projects

Kadhimiya Waste Water Pumping Station

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Diwaniya Waste Water Treatment Rehabilitation

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Taq-Taq Dam

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Sarchinar Power Station

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Cathodic Copper Production (Al-Shaeed factory)

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Oilfield Wells In Qayara

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Installation of Power System Equipment and Supply and Installation of Electrical, Telecom and Security Systems

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Makhool Dam

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Rehabilitation of Sarchnar Water Project

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Wellhead Control Panel Installation

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Electrical Power Plant at Umm Qasr

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165 MW Power Generation Plant

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Development of Oilfield Cluster

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Electrical and Instrumentation for Qayara North Degassing Station

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Rehabilitation of Crude Oil Storage Tanks

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Serbia Dams

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Sulaymaniyah International Airport Cargo Village

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Rafidiyah Oilfield Development E&I

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Halabja Water Treatment Plant

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Rehabilitation of Najaf GT02C Gas Turbine

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Rehabilitation of Najaf GT03C Gas Turbine

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Mussaieb Gas Turbines Power Plant

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Carbon Black Factory - Baiji

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Erbil Medical Diagnosis Center

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West Qurna 35 MW Power Station, OHTL and Power Electrical Distribution

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Iraq Electrical Substation

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Tasluja Power Station (Sulaymaniyah 53 MW Marine type Engine Generators)

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Pioneer Pharmaceutical Factory

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University of Sulaimaniyah New Campus

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Grand Millennium 5 Star Hotel

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Zubair IPF E & I Work

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Kerkh Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation

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Zafaraniya Wastewater Treatment Pumping Station

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Kirkuk Water Network/ Zone 5

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Rehabilitation of Ministry of Culture Building

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Dokan-Sulaimaniyah Water Treatment Plant

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Azmar Tunnel 2.5 km Mountain Tunnel

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Dokan Water Treatment Plant Stage 2

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Sharq Dijlah Water Treatment Plant

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Water Treatment Plant for Nasiriyah Thermal Power Station

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Garraff Oil Field

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Medina Airport Hotel

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University of Sulaimaniya- 12 MVA Power Station

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Taq-Taq Dam

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Bekhme Dam

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Bassara Dam

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Our Partners

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Klinger Gaskets
CPS Generators
DAB Pumps
TSI Limited

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