Feasibility Study for Sewage Disposal for the Coastal Region in Montenegro

Project Name:Feasibility Study for Sewage Disposal for the Coastal Region in Montenegro

Client:KfW Germany / VODACOM d.o.o., Tivat, Montenegro

Start Date:July 2006

End Date:November 2006

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Description of Project:

The coastal region of Montenegro has an important relevance for the development of tourism in Montenegro. Currently the number of tourists is increasing. The environmental problems are also increasing in accordance with the economic development of this region. Especially the insufficient wastewater system will be an increasing threat for the development of the region because of the inadequate sewer networks and the lack of sewage treatment. The wastewater of coastal region is discharged without treatment into the Adriatic Sea. In the future, the entire wastewater of this locality shall be cleaned up in compliance to the European Union guidelines. The coastal area consists of the following municipalities: Heceg Novi, Kotor, Bydva, Bar and Ulcinj. In addition, municipality of Cetinje, located at inland of the area is also in the scope of this project. To mitigate the environmental problems, the KfW intends to provide further 30 million Euro for the
improvement of the sewage situation. For the integration of these funds into a reasonable long term development concept, the feasibility study for the coastal region of Montenegro was prepared. Within the scope of the project work, the most feasible economical solutions for the sewerage networks and WWTP’s are to be found considering the difficult, location-specific conditions. The project measures were divided into priority project measures and long-term projects measures.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Voltec:
The Feasibility study for sewerage disposal for the coastal region in Montenegro covers the following services:
• Data collection and analysis
• Investigation works
-measurements of wastewater flow on the main discharge outfalls
-measurements of wastewater quality on the main discharge outfalls
-measurement of sea water quality near the main discharge outfalls
-inspection of the main sea outfalls by divers, and preparation of photos
-investigation of the existing pumping stations
• Evaluation of different sewer network options
• Analysis of process alternatives for all Municipalities (Activated Sludge process, SBR, Trickling and
Bio aerated filtration) regarding the local conditions (arrangement of plant structures). All process alternatives have complete sludge treatment prior to disposal to landfill
• Determination of investment costs, operating costs and wastewater tariffs
• Proof of the feasibility and investigation of applicable financial models
• Phased investment plans were elaborated which included priority measures for each municipality
• Improvement of the environmental and economic situation in the coastal region
• Preparation of Conceptual Report and Feasibility Study
• Preparation of Preliminary Design for selected sewer networks for all Municipalities

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