Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design of Was Water Treatment Plant in Krnjaca-Beograd, Serbia

Project Name:Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design of Was Water Treatment Plant in Krnjaca-Beograd, Serbia

Client:Agency for Construction and Land Development of Belgrade, Serbia

Start Date:November 2004

End Date:February 2006

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Description of Project:

Associated Firm(s): KOCKS Consult GmbH Ehting, Serbia and Montenegro

Narrative Description of Project:
The suburb Krnjaca is situated northerly of the Belgrade city on the northern Danube bank. The wastewater of this small town, which will have approx.100,000 inhabitants, is discharged without treatment into the Danube. In the future, the entire wastewater of this locality shall be cleaned up in compliance to the European Union guidelines. The drainage system of Krnjaca exists rudimentarily and dewatered to the bank area of the Danube. Consequently, the construction of the planned wastewater treatment plant in this area is given. As the existing Danube dyke has no basic sealing system, the WWTP site is flooded by seeping ground water. Within the scope of the project work, the most feasible economical solution for the WWTP in the flooding endangered area is to be found considering the difficult, location-specific boundary conditions.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Voltec:
The study for the wastewater treatment plant Krnjaca covers the following services:
• Investigation and evaluation of relevant planning data
- Wastewater quantities and pollution load
- Data and boundary conditions of the planned drainage system
- Geological and soil-mechanical data
- Hydrologic data (water levels of the Danube for different discharge occurrences)

• Evaluation of different process alternatives (Activated Sludge process, SBR and Bio aerated filtration) regarding the local conditions in a strongly flooding-endangered area (arrangement of plant structures) & all process alternatives have complete sludge treatment prior to disposal to landfill
• Determination of investment costs, operating costs and wastewater tariffs
• Proof of the feasibility and investigation of applicable financial models
• Preparation of preliminary design for chosen process alternative

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Klinger Gaskets
CPS Generators
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TSI Limited

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